Princes Risborough School

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Vision and values

  • Our Motto :  Aspire & Achieve
  • Our Values:  Princes Risborough is the school of choice.   All stakeholders are Positive, Responsible and Successful.

Our Mission

We are successful

At Princes Risborough School every child matters.  Our commitment to “Aspire and Achieve” means that our students are as successful as they can possibly be during their time here.   They become knowledgeable, confident and independently skilful as learners and make great progress. Our students find the experience enjoyable and memorable. 

  • They develop the ability to learn independently
  • They make great progress in their time at our school whatever their starting point
  • They enjoy their learning
  • They will remember their time at school positively

We care

Every student joining the school feels safe, valued and well supported. We track their achievements and well-being closely, supporting them well when they need it and celebrating their successes. Students leaving the school have a clear idea of their future ambitions, ways to achieve these and have made wise decisions about their next steps in life.

  • Everyone's progress and well-being is tracked
  • Support is given when it's needed
  • Success is celebrated and enjoyed
  • Students' ambitions are supported
  • We help everyone make wise decisions for the future

Our students are citizens of the future

Many will have exceeded their own expectations. Their school experience has prepared them to be citizens capable of shaping future society through positive behaviour, respect for diversity, and engagement with local, national and global communities.  This will stand them in good stead for lifelong learning, enabling them to be adaptable and responsive in a rapidly changing, challenging world.

  • They will have developed positive behaviour, respect for diversity and engagement with local, national and global communities
  • They will help shape future society
  • They will be adaptable and responsive in a rapidly changing and challenging world

We are good at what we do

External agencies, parents, employers and the local community have all recognised our high quality of leadership, teaching, learning and support for students.  All working here access precisely focussed professional development using expertise from within and outside. Our work with external partners locally and nationally adds value to the experience and achievements of our students.  Our school community continues to learn, innovate and pursue excellence.

  • Our high quality leadership, training, learning and support for pupils is widely recognised
  • We continue to learn, develop and innovate as a school
  • We have successful partnerships which add value to the school
  • We quality assure ourselves rigorously

Princes Risborough is the school of choice

Our vision and this mission statement combines with robust self-evaluation to guide us in response to changing circumstances, local and government initiatives. Our stakeholders – pupils, parents, the local community and governors all contribute to making Princes Risborough the school of choice.

  • We are the local school of choice
  • All our stakeholders take part - pupils, parents, the local community, staff and governors all have a voice and are respected
  • Our strong vision and this mission guides us in response to changing circumstances, local and government initiatives
  • We are ambitious and highly motivated - We make no excuses and accept none
  • We aspire and achieve together