Princes Risborough School

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At Princes Risborough School, students are divided into six Houses, that are named after iconic local places: Chequers (red), Chiltern (green), Icknield (yellow), Pyrtle Spring (purple), Ridgeway (pink) and Whiteleaf (dark blue).


Upon joining the school in Year 7, students are put into Houses and remain in those Houses until the end of Year 11, thus moving from 7RW, for example, to 8RW, then 9RW, 10RW & 11RW. 


The House system is led by Miss Wallace, as House Champion and with the support of students, staff and parents alike focuses on retaining the six Houses identity.


Students are rewarded with Achievement points and Praises on a Postcard for their participation in House events and there are other rewards such as a mufti day for the winning House and a pizza party for each winning House within each Year group at the end of each term.


House assemblies take place once a term and all students are updated weekly on current competitions and positions on the House leader board.


Through this system, we try and engender a Team spirit and ethos that makes our students feel proud of belonging to their House; we simply ask that they strive to do their best, not just for themselves but also for the benefit of their House and the school.


Aspire and Achieve all the way!


Danielle Wallace

House Champion